Canine TV Watching On the Rise

Carol Goldstein of Englewood, Colorado, just didnt get why some dogs in her life couldnt have cared less about television while others have seemed positively addicted to it. My daughters dog, Frisco, a one-year-old Labradoodle, loves to watch TV, she wrote. He barks at other dogs or horses that appear on the screen and sometimes becomes upset if there is a show with violence. He will run around the room and act nervous. I myself have always had dogs, and none of them have ever shown even the slightest interest in the TV. Can you explain why this cute little guy behaves that way when other dogs do not?

Off the Leash: A Year At the Dog Park

Matthew Gilbert, by his own account, was that guy who rolled his eyes at people who treat their dogs like children. Dogs were dirty and scary, he says in his recently released book, Off the Leash: A Year At the Dog Park (Thomas Dunne Books). He even once spent a night sleeping in the bathroom, using a roll of toilet paper as a pillow rather than facing his college roommates dog, who was hankering for a play date with him on the other side of the door.

Can Training Your Puppy to Go in the House Ever Be Right?

We believe that even toy puppies who will remain small in adulthood should be toilet trained outdoors. But there are some circumstances where indoor potty training makes sense. Here are some tips for the process.

Solutions for Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety is severe emotional distress that occurs in the absence of group members. Not surprisingly, its a phenomenon of social animals like dogs (and people). Here are the most effective treatments as well as some common ones which simply do not work.

Why Do Dogs Shake Themselves?

Of course you expect, and run from, your dog's full body shake-out after her bath. But what to make of the shake-offs some dogs do throughout the day? Is there a neurological component? Unless your dogs shaking is restricted to her head, the behavior is most likely strictly behavioral. In fact, if you pay close attention, it will afford you a view of her take on her world, her likes and dislikes.

Dear Doctor

Letters to the Tufts Veterinarians - The dog won't stop licking his owner; The dog won't stop licking cement; The dog won't stop sucking on his sister's ears.

On Whether Dogs Are Moved By Music

Do dogs react to music? Research indicates they do not. ButtThis doesnt mean that freestyle dancing is a false form of environmental enrichment for a dog. It can strengthen an already close bond with the owner - the dog must learn to follow cues in quick succession - and is especially good for dog owners who arent very fast or athletic and dont want to throw a Frisbee or ball around, but who love music and enjoy training their dogs and giving them some intense environmental enrichment. Your dog just isnt going to have one of those days where he cant get that tune out of his head.

What Flavor Is Your Dogs Aggression?

In addition to the most common types of aggression - conflict and fear aggression - there are four other types of aggression that some dogs need to be coaxed away from. And it is important that owners recognize them. Aggression is the number one behavior problem among pet dogs, with most owners bringing their dogs to animal behavior clinics for help in solving the issue. Herein, the other types of aggression that make living with a loved dog difficult, and how to help a canine pal from feeling that he needs to be on the attack to create equilibrium for himself.

For Bored Dogs

Want to add some spice to their life and intensify the bond between you and your dog? Consider one of these nine activities. Itll require some time commitment, driving your dog to and from class if nothing else. But oh, how enriched his life will become! And the added fun may even attenuate his tendency to [insert annoying habit here]. Like they say, a tired dog is a happy dog.

Dear Doctor

Letters to the Tufts Veterinarians - The puppy wont stop piddling indoors; Hates needles but needs to keep her dog alive

Measuring Your Dog’s Aggression

The onset of aggression in dogs often starts at the age of physical maturity, somewhere between eight months and two years of age. And its not all aggression all the time. People say to me, 98 percent of the time my dog is great, Dr. Borns-Weil relates. Its only two percent of the time that he goes off. But that two percent can make life with an aggressive dog extremely difficult and unpleasant, if not downright miserable.

Which dogs are most apt to exhibit aggression?

When it comes to owner-directed aggression, male dogs are more apt to have the problem than females. Thats especially true if theyre intact. Neutering decreases owner-directed aggression by 25 to 30 percent. Specific breeds that tend to be brought to the behavior clinic for aggression, at least in one study conducted at Tufts, include German shepherds, cocker spaniels, and mixed breeds.