Their Stress Levels Mirror Ours

Its no secret that dogs are intensely aware of our moods. Now its clear that our stress levels literally course through their veins. Investigators reporting in Scientific Reports found the connection upon examining hair from more than 50 people and their dogs. Hair follicles absorb cortisol, a stress hormone released into the bloodstream.

Dog Walking Injuries On the Rise, Especially Among Older People

In the August issue of Your Dog, we discussed that youre never too old to enjoy sharing your life with a canine companion. But even good things can go awry if proper care is not taken to prevent falls, as was made evident in a report by University of Pennsylvania researchers drawn from nationwide data on dog-walking injuries among the 65-plus set. Injuries sending older dog walkers to emergency rooms rose more than 250 percent in the last 15 years or so, from nearly 1,700 in 2004 to just under 4,400 in 2017. Most of the injuries were said to have been caused by a loss of balance that ensued when a dog pulled too hard or suddenly on the leash.

Treats for Tricks

To train your dog to follow cues and perform various tricks, youre going to need food treats - and lots of them, especially when the trick is new or when your dog is a puppy and is getting the hang of learning in general. You might need to give four or five treats in quick succession in order to solidify the follow-through in your pets mind as she repeats the move youre trying to teach. But how does that square with the standard advice not to give your pet more than 10 percent of her calories as treats, since treats are not part of a dogs healthful diet and can lead to nutrient imbalances?

Play Ball, But Gently

So many dogs love those plastic ball chuckers, and why not? They allow a person to fling a ball faster and farther than they could with their arm, affording a pet a happy, frenetic run at top speed in order to chase the ball down and bring it back for more. Some dogs, in fact, are absolutely obsessed with the game.

Avoiding Dog Bites to Children

Children 5 to 9 years old are more apt than any other age group to require treatment immediately after a dog bite. And most of those bites are from the family dog when the pet is resting and a child approaches, says Meghan Herron, DVM, associate professor of veterinary clinical services at Ohio State Universitys College of Veterinary Medicine. With that in mind, Dr. Herron advises the following:

How to Pet a Dog

But imagine how great your pet would feel if you showed him affection according to his rules. It becomes even more important when youre greeting a dog on the street whos not familiar with you. You dont want to make a dog feel frightened or, worse, like he has to protect himself. With dogs emotional comfort in mind, here are some tips for petting and greetings in general. Theyre standard for a dog you meet on the street, but if you try them on your own dog, youll also see very satisfied responses.

When the Doctor Says Your Dog Needs Braces

Orthodontics in dogs is never done for cosmetic reasons. Nor do dogs get those silver railroad tracks you see on kids. So why do some dogs get braces? And what kind do they get?

Don’t Pet the Coyote

Coyotes are well adapted to both suburban and urban areas - theyve even been spotted in New Yorks Central Park. And you may have been seeing more of them because while coyotes tend to be born in the spring, they often spend much of the summer in and around their dens, both being protected and fed by their mothers and being taught to fend for themselves by learning to hunt.

Dear Doctor: A C-section to deliver the puppies?

Do dogs ever get C-sections?

Running with Dogs

While all dogs like to run to a certain degree, some make better running companions than others. Dalmatians, Doberman Pinschers, Labrador and Golden Retrievers tend to make good running partners, as well as herding dog breeds (but they can get easily bored and look for something to herd along the way, such as a car).

How Often Should I Walk my Puppy?

Many dogs are sent to shelters because they dont learn how to take their business outside. Its understandable. No one wants their home to be turned into a canine bathroom.

Dear Doctor: The dogs urine smells particularly foul

Q. Over the last year or so, the urine of my 12-year-old coonhound, Rhythm, has taken on a foul odor that is noticed not...