For How Long Can a Dog Food Be “New” and “Improved”?

Have you ever seen the words “new” or “improved” on a dog food label? If so, it shouldn’t be there for more than the...

On the Horizon: Dog Cancer Screening Via a Urine Sample

The molecules in a dog’s urine have a unique fingerprint, and researchers are finding that it can be used to detect—in minutes—whether a dog...

When $35 of Prevention is Worth More than $10,000 of Cure

Inoculation against a bacterial disease called leptospirosis is not considered a core vaccine, meaning you should discuss with your vet whether your particular dog...

At What Age Should Your Dog Be Spayed or Neutered? It’s Complicated.

A female wire-haired pointer, the tenth most popular dog breed, has only a 1 percent chance of getting cancer. But if she is spayed...

When Your Dog Smells Bad—No, Really Bad

Dogs seem happiest when they stink. Who among us hasn’t had—or at least seen—a dog happily rolling her body back and forth over something...