Stay Calm in the Presence of a Dog-Phobic Person
It’s an unfortunate catch-22: People who are nervous around dogs are the ones who tend to bring out their aggressive tendencies. Their anxiety transfers...
Protect the Mail Carrier!
An average of almost 15 mail carriers a day were bitten by dogs last year, according to the U.S. Postal Service — more than...
The One Word Your Dog Will Never Understand
Your dog’s begging at the table has gotten out of hand. You’re happy to drop him a piece of food here and there, but...
The Dog is Embarrassing Me
Q: When I walk my dog and he sees people — or other people walking their own dog — he barks and pulls or...
The Only Time to Lock a Crate
People lock their dogs in their crates for all kinds of reasons, often to keep them out of trouble when they are not home....
Dog Bite Prevention
People often fear getting bitten by a big dog, but even a Chihuahua is estimated to have a bite force of up to 180...
Short Takes July 2023
Veterinarians Can Now Become Board-Certified in Shelter Medicine
As of this year, a veterinary specialty in shelter medicine is fully recognized by the American...
But What’s With Their Tails?
Cats use their tails to help with balance. Think of the way you might hold out your arms to steady yourself as you make...
When Your Rescue Dog Turns Aggressive On You
You’ve had your rescue dog for a little while, and everything seemed fine at first. He was a bit meek, but you figured he’d...
Dog Language 101: Three Commonly Misunderstood Canine “Expressions”
Imagine if you reached out to shake someone’s hand and they grabbed you by the shoulders and kissed you on the lips. Dogs go...
When the Dog is Afraid to Be Groomed
Mike O’Hallaron of Frontenac, Missouri, is distraught. “We have a 7-year-old goldendoodle named Princess who has always been petrified of getting bathed,” he writes....
Why Won’t He Just Come When I Tell Him To?
For just about everything you teach your dog to do, you’re supposed to praise him after he gets it right. With “Come,” it’s important...