How to Handle an Injured Dog: Gingerly


Pain can make people act unpredictably, and dogs are no different in that regard. That’s why the American Veterinary Medical Association offers the following advice for dealing with an injured pet. Take it to heart.

  • Keep in mind that even the most gentle pet could lash out by biting or scratching if injured. Don’t assume you “know” how your pet will react when in severe pain.
  • Never attempt to hug an injured pet, no matter how much your instinct tells you to.
  • Keep your face away from the mouth of a dog in pain.
  • Perform any examination slowly and gently. If that makes your dog agitated, or more agitated, stop.
  • If you believe it is necessary for your own safety and as long as your dog is not vomiting, place a muzzle on her to reduce the chance that you will be bitten. Never muzzle a dog who is throwing up.


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