My Husky Lost His Appetite

It can be normal to see periods of reduced appetite, especially in some Northern dog breeds, such as Siberian huskies. However, a reduced appetite can also be a sign of an underlying illness. It is non-specific sign, meaning that it can be seen with a variety of illnesses ranging from fever and infection to gastrointestinal or even liver or kidney disease.

Two surprising causes of skin problems in dogs

[From Tufts October 2010 Issue]

When your dog has a lackluster coat, flaky skin and hair loss, the cause could be an underlying medical problem. If, however, the condition resulted from his diet, the reason may come as a surprise.

Most problems are associated with feeding low-cost generic diets or home-prepared foods in which balance may be an issue, says dermatologist Lowell Ackerman, DVM, a Your Dog advisory board member. If a well balanced diet is fed, it is rare to see diet-related hair coat problems.

Double up on the benefits of exercise with your dog

[From Tufts December 2010 Issue]

Obesity has become a major public health threat, increasing at a rate faster than anyone could have imaged, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Twenty-seven percent, or 72 million, of U.S. adults are obese. Nine states had obesity rates of 30 percent or more last year, compared to three states in 2007.

At the same time, the FDAs Center for Veterinary Medicine says obesity among dogs is also increasing at an alarming rate. Estimates are that 25 to 44 percent of dogs are clinically obese.

It is OK to be tired after exercise – it is not OK to...

[From Tufts December 2010 Issue]

Want to start an exercise program with your dog? Its easy. Take your dog for a walk. Every day. Twice a day if you can manage it. If youre both out of shape, check with your own doctor and your dogs veterinarian, then start slowly and build up.

We believe in starting where youre at, says Robert F. Kushner, MD. If youre a couch potato, start off with bite-size pieces: 5-, 10- or 15-minute walks.

Carsick cockapoos

[From Tufts November 2011 Issue]

I have two cockapoos who will be 2 years old in December. Ever since we got them, they have suffered from carsickness. It takes only about five minutes of riding before one of them vomits. We want to drive to Florida in November but dont want them sick all the way down. Is there anything that can stop this?
Linda Becknell
Richmond, Ill.

Bike Riding Safety for dogs

[From Tufts December 2011 Issue]

I would like to give my dog more exercise by bike riding with her. She is about 20 pounds and can outrun me (who cant?). Any advice? I dont want to get hurt or hurt her.
Mark Benjamin
Elkins Park, Pa.

Taking your dog on a bike ride can be a great way to give her some quick exercise. However, the practice can be dangerous for both dog and owner, and its definitely not for every dog. Here are some pointers:

Let sleeping dogs lie next to you?

[From Tufts May 2011 Issue]

An article in a scientific journal published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made headlines nationwide when it warned that people can - and often do - get too close to their dogs. Bruno B. Chomel of UC Davis and Ben Sun of the California Department of Public Health, writing in Emerging Infectious Diseases, said that about 50 percent of owners in the U.S. allow their dogs to sleep on their beds, but doing so puts them at risk for health problems.

10 easy steps to successful vet visits

[From Tufts July 2011 Issue]

Whether you're taking your dog to the veterinarian for a routine checkup or treatment of a chronic health problem, you want to get the most from the appointment. Follow these 10 simple steps and you're on your way to a successful visit:

Summer brings outdoor fun – and risks


[From Tufts July 2011 Issue]

Warm weather encourages owners and dogs to spend more time outside. While summer offers outdoor fun, it's easy to overlook dangers that could harm your dog, says Scott Shaw, DVM, a specialist in emergency and critical care at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.

Fireworks top the list for risky business. "Dogs shouldn't be around fireworks at all," Dr. Shaw says. "They can chase thrown fireworks and get burned or injured." Some fireworks contain toxic substances that can poison dogs if chewed or swallowed. The explosions also can scare them. "The same dogs that are afraid of thunder will freak out on the 4th of July," he says.

Itching and biting cause ‘pure misery’

[From Tufts November 2011 Issue]

My 4-year-old Lab-golden mix, Sam, has suffered since puppyhood with severe itching. He would lie around whining and crying all the time while scratching and biting himself. He was living in pure misery. My vets first attempt at help was Benadryl. When this did no good at all, we went to prednisone, still no help.

Does a warm, dry nose indicate illness?

[From Tufts December 2011 Issue]

Folk wisdom has long held that a warm, dry nose means a dog is sick. Veterinarians frequently hear the comment from owners, says Michael Stone, DVM, a specialist in small animal medicine at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, but the truth is that its a fallacy in most cases.

Dear Doctor – Your dog’s pals are telling you to get your pet to...

Q I've noticed that dogs with whom my dog has always been friends have taken to sniffing his private parts over the last few...