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Dear Doctor August 2023

Q: If a dog has had a Lyme disease vaccination is any other prevention recommended?

14 Ways to Love a Rescue Dog

About a third of all pet dogs in the United States are purchased from breeders as puppies and therefore haven’t gone through being dumped, homeless, sent to a shelter, forcibly taken from a home in which they were mistreated, abused in a puppy mill, or all of the above. A number of them also come from family and friends. Many of the rest are rescued. Some of those rescues, no matter what they’ve been through, are amazingly resilient and quickly accept the love and comfort of their new household. But others are just too traumatized. They are afraid for their human family even to stroke them gently or to come near them to attach a leash so they can have a pleasant walk outside. They need time, and they need your patience. Here are 14 ways to earn your new dog’s trust. These strategies work to keep all dogs feeling secure but will prove particularly reassuring for a scared one.

Viagra May Benefit Certain Dogs, But Not For the Reason You Think

In a person, the esophagus is vertical. That means that in addition to muscle contractions in that organ propelling food from the back of the mouth to the stomach, gravity helps the food slide down. A dog’s esophagus, on the other hand, is horizontal. So if it doesn’t work right, food doesn’t make its way through the digestive tract. A dog will end up regurgitating much of his meals. Often, aspiration pneumonia sets in when the food erroneously ends up in the dog’s lungs or airway. There can also be severe malnourishment that leads to an inability to thrive and, all too often, death. 

Download The Full July 2023 Issue PDF

  • Snack Bag Suffocation: It’s a Thing
  • Short Takes
  • Should Your Dog Be Screened for Cancer Younger?
  • What You Need to Know Before Your Dog Undergoes Anesthesia
  • Even When Nothing Seems Wrong, Your Dog’s Eyes Need Checking
  • A Proper Diet For Your Dog Contains Less Meat Than You May Think
  • When Choosing Health Insurance For Your Dog, Consider Dental Care
  • Dear Doctor

Download The Full June 2023 Issue PDF

  • Making It Illegal for Your Dog to Stick His Head Out the Car Window
  • Short Takes
  • But What’s With Their Tails?
  • Are Black Dogs Less Likely to Be Adopted?
  • Labrador Retrievers Ousted From Number 1 Spot as Most Popular Breed
  • Recognizing “Swimmer’s Ear” and Other Dog-Eared Problems
  • When Your Rescue Dog Turns Aggressive On You
  • If Your Dog Won’t Take the Medicine, Can It Be Compounded?
  • Dear Doctor

Download The Full May 2023 Issue PDF

  • Don't Get Stuck in a Dog-Walking Rut
  • Short Takes
  • Dog Language 101
  • New Standards Announced for Human Grade Dog Food
  • How Your Dog Saves You Money
  • When the Dog is Afraid to Be Groomed
  • When a Dog Dies Suddenly for an Unknown Reason, Should You Request a Necropsy?
  • Dear Doctor

Download The Full April 2023 Issue PDF

  • Life-Threatening Hazard for Dogs Who Enjoy Ponds, Lakes, and Rivers
  • Short Takes: In It For the Long Game; The Impact of Stress on Working Dogs; Unsafe Chewing.
  • On Whether Dogs Get Psoriasis
  • Using 3D Modeling to Heal Dogs
  • Did You Wash Your Hands?
  • When the Veterinary Oncologist Gets Cancer
  • Why Won’t He Just Come When I Tell Him To?

Download The Full March 2023 Issue PDF

  • Shared Decision Making
  • Save Money on “New” Toys.
  • Why Has the Dog Started Pulling Garbage from the Trash Can?
  • Potential Changes on Dog Food Labels Should Make Them Easier to Interpret
  • What’s Dental About Dental Chews?
  • One of the Most Important Words to Teach Your Dog: Wait!
  • Therapy Dogs in Funeral Homes

Download The Full February 2023 Issue PDF

  • When Your Male Dog Urinates Like a Girl
  • What’s In a Name? (A Lot, Actually)
  • Dog-Related Falls Not Just About Accidents While Walking Pets on Leashes
  • Now Coming to Your Home: An Indoor Obstacle Course For Your Dog
  • New Drug to Treat Pancreatitis
  • Are You Fluent in the Language of Canine Stress?
  • Should You Be Choosing Preservative-Free Dog Food? 
  • Dear Doctor

Download The Full January 2023 Issue PDF

  • A Non-Core Vaccine That May Be Critical For Your Dog
  • Research Suggests Once-a-Day Feeding Is Better For Dogs
  • Left-Sided Versus Right-Sided Congestive Heart Failure In Your Dog
  • Your Dog Can Die From Licking Your Topical Medicine
  • Little Touches That Make a Big Difference
  • Stress Appears to Cause Premature Graying in Dogs, Too
  • Dear Doctor: Dog-Nip?

Download The Full December 2022 Issue PDF

  • Dogs Who Don’t Exercise Regularly Appear At Much Greater Risk for Dementia
  • The American Kennel Club Recognizes Its 200th Breed;
  • The Queen Knew Dogs’ Power to Calm;
  • You Can’t Catch a Stray—You Can Coax It.
  • Why Is There Ash In My Dog’s Diet?
  • How Old Is Too Old To Adopt a Dog?
  • Same Rules Apply to Dogs for Taking Their Blood Pressure
  • Cat Breeds for Dog Lovers
  • Home for the Dog-Friendly Holidays

Download The Full November 2022 Issue PDF

  • This One's a Tearjerker
  • Short Takes
  • Antibiotics Losing Their Effectiveness in Dogs, Too
  • New guidelines in place to help preserve antibiotic potency.
  • He’s Not Being Lazy. He’s Getting Older.
  • If your dog is becoming less cooperative, it may be about aging rather than stubbornness.
  • More Calories For Fido With Winter Coming On?
  • Do Dogs Recognize Themselves in the Mirror?
  • The One Risk Factor for Canine Compulsive Behavior You Can Do Something About
  • Dear DoctorBraces for Fido; If the tail must go.